I once heard a sermon about the heart's condition apart from Christ that went something like this, "Your soul is an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment or deplorable rubbish imaginable; mangled up in tangled up knots". The preacher of that sermon was Traever, and the original source of that quote of course is from none other than Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch stole Christmas. Never did I think that I would hear Traever quote Dr. Seuss in a sermon. Luther, Calvin, Spurgeon sure... but Dr. Seuss? Yep, Dr. Seuss. He has a way with words. This real state of the human heart is what makes the news of Christmas so very good, so glorious, and so bright. 2 Corinthians 4:6 says, "For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." This is why we celebrate Christmas- because Christ, the light of the world (John 1:9) has come to deliver us, the captives, from darkness (Isaiah 61). He has come to bring us, the hopeless, hope. To give us, those who were once hostile towards God, peace (Eph 2). He has come so that we might have joy and that our joy might be full (John 15).
Making, baking and taking Gingerbread cookies for our friends and neighbors.
Adalai and Remy creating some original artwork to hang above the fireplace.
The stockings that Traever and I made together this Christmas. What can I say, I have a husband with many hidden talents and he has taken full advantage of his 7th grade Home Ec. class that taught him how to sew.
A little video of Thatcher singing his new favorite Christmas song. He asked that we sing this song nearly every night before he went to bed.
His love for trains continues...
As does his love for his little sis.
Craziness and love abounds...
Mid December Traever finished another semester! We have never been happier to be done with a semester as we were this time. It was a hard one. Praise God for getting us through! 5 semesters down and only 1 more to go! After getting very little sleep nights on end it was time to crash. Baye was content to crash alongside him :)
Thankful to have a little more time with Dad :) Reading a favorite "A Christmas Carol". Adalai also read an adapted version to the family during the month of December. It has been fun seeing her progress with reading!
A few days before Christmas Traever's siblings started to arrive. Blake flew in from South Korea, Torey from Chicago, and Bryce from New York City. So thankful for siblings/aunt and uncles who are willing to travel and who love our kids so well.
Skyping with the grandparents.

Adalai and Rem in their new Christmas pj's (thanks Grandpa and Grandma!) and night caps (Uncle Blake's idea with a little help from Traever on the sewing machine).

Reading the Christmas story on Christmas eve.

With a little extra family in town sleeping arrangements were especially cozy and the kids loved it.

Christmas morning, Baye was waiting with bells for the festivities to begin.
Christmas morn!
Christmas brunch with these two and their silly straws.
Let the opening commence.

Thanks to Uncle Bryce these two are now ready to join the small fleet of neighborhood kids on scooters.
A house full of family, a good movie, and a warm fire. Nights don't get much better than this.

Putting together new legos and k'nex sets from Aunt Tor and Uncle Blake.
A trip to the Safari Park with all of the big and small Guingrich kids.
So thankful to have family willing to visit and for another great Christmas with this bunch!
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