Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Thanksgiving 2015

November has to be one of our family's favorite months. It holds our wedding anniversary, Thanksgiving, and the entrance of the holiday season. Every year we try to do some sort of thankful tree that encourages us to count our blessings every day. It's always fun to see what our kids are grateful for. As the days of November passed and more leaves made their way onto our tree it seemed that there was a common theme coming from the kids- that they were especially grateful for each other.

So thankful for the friendships and close bonds that they are forging during these early years!

Thankful for this little brood :). We definitely stick out here in SoCal culture and even more so since Baye was born. A few weeks ago as 3 of my kids and I filed out of a bathroom stall at Trader Joe's an employee burst out laughing and told me that we looked like a clown car exiting the stall. I just smiled in agreement, I know we look ridiculous, I didn't  even bother mentioning that I had another child at home with their dad. A week later an owner of a local consignment boutique who owns/manages 3 other businesses looked at me and my 4 kids and told me I must be crazy for having 4 she continued to tell me that managing 4 businesses is easier then managing her 1 child (a toddler). These conversations happen nearly every time I'm out with 2 or more kids. It appears that either I'm crazy or our culture is. :)

There are definitely moments, sometimes days, that seem unmanageable, but in the end we always conclude that it's worth it. Without question it's worth it. Outside of our relationship with Christ, being the parents of these little ones is one of the Lord's greatest blessings to us, they are our wildest adventures, our greatest joys.

Thankful for this man too! The month of November Traever was immersed in studies and working his way through his hardest semester yet. However, he still welcomed the kiddos into his office anytime of day or night and was always happy to have us meet him on campus for a picnic. 

This November brought some changes for our Adalai. After a tooth extraction and a visit to the orthodontist she ended up having to get braces. Just looking at the picture below makes me feel like my sweet 6 year old is nearly a teenager. Please stop growing up so fast!

Thanksgiving Day was spent with a table full of food and a house full of dear friends.


So so thankful for these kindred spirits and that God crossed our paths during this season of seminary. They have become some of the dearest friends I have ever had. Our family away from family.

We are unworthy of the Lord's mercies and goodness towards us but so thankful that He has chosen to "forgive us all our iniquity, heal us, redeem us, crown us with steadfast love and mercy, and satisfy us with good"

"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's."  Psalm 103:1-5

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