That said the warmth of long lasting friendships, family, and church family trumps the warm CA sun any day. We loved having time to catch up with everyone and it made us all the more excited to return in the summer (we'll be in IL for 9 weeks for an internship).
The kids picking up where they left off with friends :)
and Thatch and Cash beginning their lifelong friendship ;)
Cousin time!
We love us some Herman girls!!
My sister's kids are just about the same ages as ours and I'm thankful to say they love each other so much. Over our visit they spent days and nights together and never seemed to tire of each other. I'm excited that they'll have lots of time together this summer!
Giant Goose Ranch. Checking out the Hermans newest project!
Mercy perched on the 4 wheeler with her Uncle Traever who she warmed up to after a few days :)
The Wedding
Alex (my brother) and Brittany got hitched! I genuinely couldn't be happier for them, they really are a great fit for each other. They're committed to the Lord foremost and it's sweet to see them pointing each other to Christ. I know through their marriage others will likewise be pointed to the Savior's love. Adalai got to be a flower girl in the wedding along with her cousin Livie and best friend Harper (Brittany's neice). The little sisters of the flower girls had honorary flower girl dresses too... they loved it and totally rose to the occasion. After the wedding service while the bride and groom were in the sanctuary dismissing guests by aisle I was catching up with my cousin in the foyer whom of course I hadn't seen in a long time, Rem, my little escapee took note and quickly made her way to the stage. 10 minutes later, when I decided I better find her, I peaked in the sanctuary and saw a couple of my friends who waved me to the stage where I spotted her... there she was dancing and entertaining the crowd.
Below a pic that a friend in the pew shot of Remy in action... little stinker
We also got to spend Easter in the midwest. Possibly my favorite day of the year. Celebrating Jesus and the message that we as believers live by: that a limitless, holy, powerful righteous, merciful, just, loving and perfect God LOVED us the God hating, law breaking, corrupt criminals so much that He chose to leave His perfect heavenly kingdom to come to a broken sinful dark world, to become nothing, to become a servant, to be hated and rejected, to take on our sins and die in our place by taking for us the penalty that we deserved, to make our wrongs right, to reconcile our relationship with Him the triune God, to save us. Our sins nailed Him to the cross and THEN He conquered sin and death by rising from the grave so that all those who would believe on Him would be saved, their sins forgotten, their lives covered by the righteousness of Christ. I can't think of a day more worthy of celebrating for a believer.
Traever's parents were able to come out from Indianapolis to see us too- so nice! The kids got in on a 1,000 easter egg hunt and we got to catch up with uncles, aunts, and cousins too.
Thatch with his Mamaw Guingrich
And a few pics of the the Big Neukomm Easter

Thatch wanted to squeeze Mercy's head so bad, poor Mercy.

Thatch wanted to squeeze Mercy's head so bad, poor Mercy.

We made it back to CA and Traever has had to hit the books hard. He has a lot of work ahead of him for the next 5 weeks and then his 1st year at Westminster will be behind him. It's hard to believe that a year is nearly done. Thankful!
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