Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wrapping up the Summer


Our little Adalady is growing up fast!  In just a few short weeks her summer will be over and she'll be heading into pre-K. This summer she went to VBS for the first time.  She was very apprehensive about it since she didn’t know any of the other kids but by the end of the week she was disappointed to see VBS come to an end.  The theme was “Splashtacular”.  It was a gospel theme about the living water that Christ offers.  Not only did Adalai get to benefit from this but I myself was so encouraged dwelling on this truth.  After interrupted nights of sleep and spending the day with 3 little munchkins who seem to tag team it with their problems and heart issues in addition to my own, many times by the end of the day I feel like a dry well… nothing left to give and no energy to fight the battles.  At those moments I just want and often times do cave into sin whether it’s in poor parenting, a prideful heart, gluttony, ungratefulness, or just plain CRANKINESS!  It’s then the Spirit reminds me- you AREN'T a DRY WELL… God has given you LIVING WATER.

John 7:37 and 38 says, “Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’”   

So I have to preach to myself: Drink deeply and often!!!  The living water that the Lord gives NEVER dries up!  His grace is sufficient for all things.

Here’s a little home video of  Adalai singing “Power in the Blood!” along with all the motions that she picked up at VBS:

Adalai is always surprising us with the new things she is putting together.  She is our little brainy child… who says stuff like, “Mom, Dad, I look for shapes everywhere- windows, doors…” the other day she was dropping in on a conversation that Traever and I were having.  In the conversation I told Traever, “you are so smart!” and then Adalai piped up, “So Dad’s smart now?! He’s not silly anymore?”

Remmer Roo

Our Remmers is growing up too.  We can usually find her right next to Adalai or just a couple steps behind.  She looks up to her sister so much.  She wants all things that Adalai wants- whether it’s dressing up, reading books, even down to the food that Adalai eats… she loves following in her big sisters footsteps and Adalai doesn’t seem to mind it either J.  They are each others’ side-kicks and best friends.  Seeing their relationship play out reminds me so much of mine with my sister.  I’ve been incredibly blessed by my big sis, there are few things that I treasure more in this life than our relationship.  I hope our girls are blessed with the same!

Since our move Remy has joined in on the nightly routine of verse memorization and catechism.  Here’s a clip from one of the first nights of Adalai teaching Remy verse number 1:

Although Rem does copy nearly everything Adalai does she is definitely her own little FUN and spunky person. We laugh often with and at her. For instance, since we have moved she somehow finds a way to fit “California” into every introduction.  Just yesterday we were at the seminary for a picnic and a student stopped by and introduced himself.  He asked Remy “what’s your name?” Remy smiled and mumbled, “Memy” then waited a couple seconds as the guy walked away she yelled out, “Ca-fornia!”.  Then another guy passed by, no introduction or anything she just looked his direction and quickly said, "ca-fornia".  She makes very little sense but we love her :).


Our little Thatchman- Last week I was blessed with a good night’s sleep! For the first time Thatcher  slept through the night!  I woke up in the morning so well rested and heard him giggling in his room.  I walked in to find Thatch swinging pillow stuffing around in the air and his pillow completely dismantled and destroyed.  So, I’m not sure how much sleep he got but Traever and I were thankful for the sleep we got!

First time Thatcher went swimming. I love the way his fat belly pops out of his rash guard.  He wasn’t sure about the water at first but seemed to relax pretty quickly.

The Hubs

Traever is wrapping up Greek 1 this week! It has been a really tough course, they essentially cram a full semester of Greek into 5 weeks, but he has put in a ton of time and has done so so well. He starts his crazy busy fall semester next week!  Pray for us that we will continue to carve out time to spend together as a family and that Traever will become a speed reader :).

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