Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A new life has begun!

After 3 other pregnancies the thought of a life beginning, a little heart's steady pounding, the forming of organs, fingers and toes, nails and eyelashes within the walls of my body still absolutely astounds me. It's such an amazing and powerful testimony of the handiwork of our Creator. It reminds me of His power in creation, and also of the incredible lengths that He has gone to to display His mercy and love towards His creation. In that He became THAT... He took on in addition to His divine nature that frail human nature, that small little bitty steady beating heart that formed and grew inside of another, to be born into a dark sin-filled world, to save us sinners and give us spiritual life. On every front, physical or spiritual, new life is a miraculous God given thing!

The girls and the hubs have been praying for this little person since last spring so we are all pretty excited about it! Well, except for our current "baby"... he tells us he's not going to be a big brother, but we're sure he'll thank us some day! As of now he's milking his current position in the family for all it's worth and his sisters are gladly obliging him.

In other news the Thatchman just turned 2!

These days Thatch is obsessed with all things that have wheels. If it's circular and rotates in his mind it's a car and it's awesome... this includes things like ceiling fans, windmills, grocery carts, and strollers. We have hopes that someday he'll know the difference.

For his birthday he got a little tykes truck that he unsurprisingly seems to love. He quickly discovered that having a nice truck was a great way to attract the ladies.

His truck is also not too bad for watching movies with the family. He's about to experience every child's first trauma...watching Old Yeller get shot (spoiler alert). Life lessons start early in ol' west.

Realizing that we are half way through seminary/our time of living in an amazing climate the kids and I have been doing our best to get out and enjoy it. It's a bummer that Traever can't join us on all of our adventures but it gives him some much needed peace and quiet at home to hit the books. And despite his school load and having to maintain a ridiculous mustache he has done a pretty awesome job of regularly taking breaks to go on walks or to hit up a park with the kids.

Thatcher gets a basket ride (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouBb4umZzSU)

The Santa Anna winds brought us a week or two of perfectly warm weather.

Remy has discovered some new tricks that cause her to break out in the giggles every time.

We recently went out to celebrate the completion of Adalai's first semester with a gift card she received for reaching her reading goal. She was also awarded "Student of the Unit" (something akin to MVP of the semester). She's almost as big of nerd as her dad. So thankful for the diligent little student she is.

Since Adalai only has 2 days in class we have the opportunity to get creative with learning at home... I kind of wish I was in grade school just so I could learn about continents, climates, and creatures like this.

Lunch time and learning tons of crazy facts about giraffes.

Adalai and Remy are polar opposite in many ways but it has been so much fun to see them become each other's best friends. When we pick Adalai up from her class days they run across the schoolyard to greet and hug each other. 

I don't expect them always to play beautifully together and like all of us they have their moments, but it makes my soul so glad to see their delight in each other. I'm thankful for this blessing and praying that their love for each other will continue to grow. 

We recently made plans to return to central IL for the summer. Traever will be interning at a church in Tinley Park so we'll be up there most Sundays but we'll be spending the rest of our days in Central IL. We're looking forward to catching up with family and friends back home again! 

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